Welcome to Australian Wool Innovation, a hub for the woolgrowers of Australia.
Not a woolgrower? Looking for information about wool products, wool care or wool processing?
The Woolmark Company is the global authority on wool. Visit Woolmark.com instead.
Tacking Tough Times Webinar Series

AWI Extension WA together with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, are excited to bring you two, one-hour webinars with a theme of 'Tackling Tough Times', designed to support you with decision-making and being proactive during challenging seasonal and market conditions, now and in the future.
Session 1: 1pm, Monday 8th April
Session 2: 1pm, Tuesday 9th April
An impressive line-up of guest speakers will be taking you through the following topics:
- Seasonal and wool market updates
- Strategies and tactics for the season ahead
- Confinement feeding
- Breeding your perfect sheep
- WaterSmart Farms program
- The latest from The Livestock Collective
- Mental health check
- Upcoming AWI Extension WA events
Please follow the link to register to attend the two online sessions: https://events.humanitix.com/awi-dpird-webinar-tackling-tough-times
Registration is free.
Please contact the AWI Extension WA team if you have any questions: https://www.awiextensionwa.com/contact-us/